With our expert book editing services, you can get an error-free manuscript. We will review the manuscript and suggest changes which are needed. It is very important to have an error-free manuscript because making changes after the book is printed not only costs more but also results in many printed copies with errors(grammatical, spelling mistakes or improper use of full stop, comma or other things). You will not like it when some of your friends or a reader points out the mistakes. This not only results in poor sales of the book but will cost you extra money to get it revised and published again. So, it’s better to get it right, in the first go.
With our manuscript editing/book editing service, you will get to work with our professional editors. The editor will suggest changes (grammatical, typing mistakes or other errors). You will need to approve the edited version of the manuscript. Once the manuscript is edited and approved, we will send the edited manuscript for publishing/printing. In case you only purchase the book editing service, we will email the fully edited manuscript.
You may see a sample below. The red lines/text is the observation given by the editor on the existing manuscript.
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