Childbook illustrations is an expert in children book illustrations as well as the book designing. The book designing contains the cover design and the Book layout. The cover design is the front cover and the back cover whereas the book layout includes the inside designing of the book. The inside designing of the book includes the layout of the text with the illustrations and also setting up the font as well as creation of new pages like the author’s page, title page, copyright page , dedication page etc.
The purpose of book designing is to make your story and illustrations in the form of a book which can be taken to a printer. Doing this is a very complex job and not every designer can do the job properly. Every author who purchases our illustrations also purchase cover design and book layout also because we offer a good discount to our existing authors and also we provide an unmatched quality work.
You can see samples of many books already designed by us and you will yourself realize the difference which our designers can make to your book. We not only offer great designs but also give revisions/changes free of cost. The author’s satisfaction is the most important thing for us and we make sure that all the designs and proofs are approved by the author. We create designs in such a manner that they are compatible with the print publishing as well as ebook publishing. All that the author needs to do is let us know if he/she is looking fir hardcover publishing or paperback publishing.
Our files are accepted universally by all printers and our service don’t just end there, if there is any problem faced even after delivery of the work, we will assist you in solving that as well. The importance of a good cover design and book layout has been explained in various forums, it is also a fact that, despite a great story and good illustrations, if the cover and inside of the book is not properly designed, it results in poor review by the reader/audience.
We also recommend that you must get these services only by professionals, not every graphic designer can do the job properly because Children’s book or other books are not routine brochures/pamphlets which can be designed using software, and you need a lot of designing skills and art sense for that. Our illustrators and designers are well trained for that job have helped hundreds of authors with their book designs and cover designs.